Bolgart Project

The Bolgart prospect (E70/5151) is located 20km south of the town of Calingiri, and extends between the towns of Bolgart and Wattening.

The project covers a series of small magnetic geophysical anomalies which are located 5km southeast of the abandoned and rehabilitated Bolgart Goldfield workings.

Chalice Mining Limited has entered into a farm-in and joint venture arrangement on the Bolgart prospect (E70/5151) under which Chalice can earn up to a 75% interest by spending up to $4 million on exploration expenditure.

Target Commodities

  • Ni-Cu-PGE hosted in mafic / ultra-mafic intrusive rocks
  • Orogenic Gold

Project History

  • An historic gold project in the 1890s;
  • Explored by CRAE (1993 to 1995) for gold and base metals;
  • Soil sampling by NRL identified coincident nickel and copper anomalism to CRAE soils data.

Project Geology#

AgeArchean 4 Ga – 2.5 Ga
TerraneYouanmi Terrane / SW Terrane
GSWA Lithologymetamorphosed mafic rocks; iron formation; granodiorite
# Source: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Youanmi Terrane (YYO) explanatory notes

Exploration Analysis

  • Limited data with only 7 shallow aircore holes drilled within the tenement;
  • 16 moderate, strong and very strong conductors identified in an Airborne Electromagnetic survey conducted by NRL (2022);
  • Discordant features in aeromagnetic data may indicate intrusive rocks;
  • Bounded by a recently interpreted (GSWA) terrane-scale thrust, paleo-cratonic boundary;
  • Coincident high-amplitude gravity anomaly.


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