Mt Dick Project

The Mt Dick prospect is located approximately 4km northeast of the Northam Airport. It was initially known as the Mt Dick Iron Ore deposit, identified by Lord and Gray in the 1950’s and described as a laterite cap developed on the ultramafic – ferruginous quartzite contact, locally containing hematite. This mafic / ultramafic complex outcrops at surface, as is evident in remnant bushland in the area.

Target Commodities

  • Ni-Cu-PGE hosted in mafic / ultra-mafic intrusive rocks

Project History

  • The Mt Dick ultramafic complex was identified in the 1950s, however exploration has been largely limited to surface sampling.

Project Geology#

AgeArchean 4 Ga – 2.5 Ga
TerraneYouanmi Terrane
GSWA Lithologymetamorphosed ultramafic rocks; mafic rocks; iron formation

# Source: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Youanmi Terrane (YYO) explanatory notes

Exploration Analysis

  • Ultramafic (Dunite) outcrops with cumulate textures, trace pentlandite, chromite, pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite;
  • 2km x 50-100m ultramafic complex with anomalous nickel (0.24%), zinc (0.245%) and copper (245 ppm) (Lord & Gray, 1951);
  • 7 very strong, strong and moderate conductors identified at Trelawney prospect in an Airborne Electromagnetic survey conducted by NRL (2022).



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