Howard 2000 Project

The Howard 2000 prospect (E70/5097) is located approximately 5.5km east of the town of Muluckine. It is a new prospect that has received no significant prior exploration and was designated by the Company following the recent airborne electromagnetic (AEM) survey.

Target Commodities

  •  Ni-Cu-PGE hosted in mafic / ultra-mafic intrusive rocks

Project History

  • New prospect with no historical data

Project Geology#

AgeArchean 4 Ga – 2.5 Ga
TerraneYouanmi Terrane
GSWA Lithologymetamorphosed mafic rocks; and iron formation

# Source: Geological Survey of Western Australia, Youanmi Terrane (YYO) explanatory notes

Exploration Analysis

  • 2 moderate, 1 strong conductors identified in an Airborne Electromagnetic survey conducted by NRL (2022);
  • Initial field validation identified ultramafic rocks at surface containing sulphides;
  • High tenor gravity anomaly.


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